Meet Sreyneang.. One of our University Graduates! When we first met Sreyneang in 2014 she faced many challenges and although life was hard, she never gave up on her dreams. Her parents had recently separated leaving a heavy burden for her mother to support Lida and her younger brother on her own. They rented a […]
Each girl we work with is unique, so our work has to be unique too. We believe in individualised support and we are committed to journeying alongside each girl and her family to prevent trafficking before it begins. Here is one example: Neath is 16-years-old and lives with her mum and stepsister. Her mum works […]
Daneh is a university graduate and assistant manager at a large company in Phnom Penh. But not too long ago at the onset of the global pandemic, she was ready to drop out of school. She hurried through the days doing assignments, attending online courses, and studying, then spent her nights working to support her […]
In September, 20 of AusCam’s sisterhood of change agents and 20 students from Temple Christian College joined forces this weekend, working together to create the guidance for a computer literacy course that equips young women to run campaigns. They spent a full day together, connecting, team building and working. The highlight of the day was […]
Katlika និង Mearodey 'ភ្នាក់ងារដើម្បីការផ្លាស់ប្តូរសម្រាប់ស្ត្រី'
Change agents share vision with her Excellency . On the 2nd October, two of our amazing Sisterhood of Change Agents presented their lessons and experiences to a crowded room of NGO’s and Government leaders at the Himawari hotel in Phnom Penh. They held the room captive as they spoke of hope and empowerment that can […]
We met Nika in 2016 when she was enrolled into our education scholarship program. She was an outstanding and confident student who worked very hard at both school and home. However, the unstable income of the family kept her situation fragile and vulnerable to extreme poverty. Nika never gave up on her dreams and graduated […]
ក្មេងស្រីសកល មេរ៉ូតី និងម៉ារីហ្សា ដឹកនាំពិភពលោករបស់យើង
មៀរ៉ូតី មានអាយុ 17 ឆ្នាំ ដឹកនាំក្រុមមួយដែលមានសមាជិកប្រាំមួយនាក់ ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា 'ក្មេងស្រីសម្រាប់សុវត្ថិភាពអនឡាញ' គឺជាក្រុមស្ត្រីវ័យក្មេងមួយដែលកំពុងផ្សាយទៅកាន់ក្មេងស្រីរាប់ពាន់នាក់ តាមរយៈការបង្កើត វីដេអូលើកកំពស់ការយល់ដឹង រូបភាពផ្សព្វផ្សាយយុទ្ធនាការ និងសំណួរចម្លើយអនឡាញ។
We met Sorphea at the height of the global pandemic. She lives in a small house with her mother, father and brother. Each day her mum works hard in a small shop for about $2.50 and her dad fishes in the local river for dinner. Sorphea and her brother are both excelling in their studies, […]
We live where nobody would like to live. It’s a small temporary house on a sewage plot. Nine of my family members all live in a small dingy room. The owner allowed us to make this temporary shelter if we would look after the property for him. Except for me and my sister, all of […]
Last year we started the Freedom Line, the country’s first hotline specifically for adolescent girls and their families. It was in response to the threats caused by COVID-19 and meant for girls who were in immediate danger of something or someone. This week, we received a call from Raksa’s mother. It is just her and […]