All girls have great potential, but some face great risk.
Since 2014, we have supported over 1,500 girls through educational scholarships, and impacted thousands more through empowerment clubs, life skills training, and counseling. We’ve achieved incredible results, but there is so much more our team can do!
This past 12 months has certainly presented us with many challenges, but we have so much to celebrate!
More girls than ever have walked through our doors and they have been truly inspiring.
Read Our Latest Annual Report
Sovanny was 10 years old when her parents divorced. Her mother remarried and migrated to Thailand to find work, leaving Sovanny with her new stepfather’s family. They quickly began pressuring her to drop out of school and earn money, but AusCam was able to intervene in time. She was surrounded by our support network, which helped counteract the pressure she was feeling. Despite all of her barriers, Sovanny never missed school, was elected by her peers as a group leader, and discovered her love for technology. She is now following her passion in information technology and attending university.
This is just one story of a determined young woman who avoided being trafficked and uncovered her potential.
That girl is Sovanny.
We believe in the potential for thousands more true stories like hers.