Board of Directors

We are an international team with staff and volunteers in Australia and Cambodia, and we are relentless in protecting and empowering girls.

Julie Dowse

Julie Dowse

Founder/Board Chair

Rob Hartley

Rob Hartley


Lisa Gill

Lisa Gill


Renay Farrell

Renay Farrell


Jessie Bailey

Jessie Bailey



Alua Kulzhabayeva

Alua Kulzhabayeva

Movement Catalyser (Cambodia)

Cambodian Team

Nigel Goddard-Executive director

Nigel Goddard

Executive Director

Sous Navy-Operation and Finance Director

Navy Sous

Operations Director

Ngorn Sokleap-Programs Director

Sokleap Ngorn

Programs Director

Tan Phireak

Phireak Tan

Protection Manager

Mean Sreypich-Empowerment Manager

Sreypich Mean

Empowerment Manager

Ny Chantha-Social Worker

Chantha Ny

Social Worker

Pov SeangEng-Social Worker

SeangEng Pov

Social Worker

Eang Kimleang-Social Worker

Kimleang Eang

Social Worker

Chheng Silaangkeasil-Career Development Facilitator

Silaangkeasil Chheng

Career Development Facilitator

Lin Thavin-Empowerment Facilitator

Thavin Lin

Empowerment Facilitator

Karuna Phal-Community Engagement Facilitator

Karuna Phal

Community Engagement Facilitator

Pagna Sreng-Community Engagement Facilitator

Pagna Sreng

Community Engagement Facilitator

Sokna Cheu-Community Engagement Facilitator

Sokna Cheu

Community Engagement Facilitator

Sreyhuon Sung-Movement Facilitator

Sreyhoun Sung

Movement Facilitator

Chanika Yat-Communication and Facilitation Assistant

Chanika Yat

Communication and Facilitation Assistant

Sochetra Soeun-Operation and Finance Assistant

Sochetra Soeun

Operation and Finance Assistant

Sovanneary Phha-Operation and Accounting Assistant

Sovanneary Pha

Operation and Accounting Assistant


Chantheavy Kim


Our Values

Our organisational culture is essential in defining how we approach our mission, how we behave, and how we interact within the anti-trafficking sector. Our success therefore is defined not only by our ability to protect girls but by our ability to exemplify our core values known as:

Our Circle

  • Collaboration – we foster positive relationships among all stakeholders
  • Innovation – we encourage creative and critical thinking, develop new solutions, and embrace continuous learning

  • Relentlessness – we do what it takes to keep girls safe and improve the quality of opportunities for them

  • Compassion – we only participate in relationships that are respectful and authentic, considering perspectives and experiences of all stakeholders

  • Longevity – we are committed to achieving sustainable long term impact 

  • Excellence – we strive to meet the highest standards of good governance, integrity and quality of service